Girls is a comedic series on HBO, written and directed by Lena Dunham, who also stars alongside Jemima Kirke, Allison Williams, Adam Driver and Zosia Mamet. The show follows the lives of these young 20-somethings as they deal with life in New York City.
Dunham was given the opportunity to create the series after the success of her film Tiny Furniture, which shares a similar premise with Girls. Judd Apatow and Jenni Konner serve as executive producers alongside Dunham.
Hannah Helene Horvath
Marnie Marie Michaels
Jessa "I'm not sure on the middle name" Johansson
Shoshanna "also not sure on the middle name" Shapiro
The series premiered on April 15, 2012.
- Lena Dunham as Hannah Horvath
- Jemima Kirke as Jessa Johansson: a space cadet with hippie tendencies who wants to be an artist/educator.
- Allison Williams as Marnie Michaels: a sexy, bitchy and ambitious assistant at a slick political PR firm whose goal is to practice environmental law.
- Zosia Mamet as Shoshanna Shapiro: Jessa's cousin and roommate
- Adam Driver as Adam: Hannah's handsome carpenter boyfriend.
# | Title | Director | Writer | Air date |
1 | Pilot | Lena Dunham | Lena Dunham | 4/15/2012 |
2 | Vagina Panic | Lena Dunham | Lena Dunham | 4/22/2012 |
3 | All Adventurous Women Do | Lena Dunham | Lena Dunham | 4/29/2012 |
4 | Hannah's Diary | Richard Shepard | Lena Dunham | 5/6/2012 |
5 | Hard Being Easy | Jesse Peretz | Lena Dunham | 5/13/2012 |
6 | The Return | Lena Dunham | Lena Dunham & Judd Apatow | 5/20/2012 |
7 | Welcome to Bushwick a.k.a. The Crackcident | Jody Lee Lipes | Lena Dunham & Jenni Konner | 5/27/2012 |
8 | Weirdos Need Girlfriends Too | Jody Lee Lipes | Lena Dunham & Dan Sterling | 6/3/2012 |
9 | Leave Me Alone | Richard Shepard | Lena Dunham & Bruce Eric Kaplan | 6/10/2012 |
10 | She Did | Lena Dunham | Lena Dunham | 6/17/2012 |